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Law Enforcement Staffing Analysis: Creating a Nexus Between Workload and Budget

Event Details

The Sharonville (OH) Police Department is hosting a one-day workshop on developing a police workload analysis that is linked to the budget for your police department. The workshop is presented by Dr. Jon M. Shane, Ohio CLEE Faculty member, and Professor of Police Policy and Practice at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York City


The workshop is an extension of Dr. Shane’s work with Ohio CLEE (2023). The workshop will cover:


  • What is the activity-base budget model?

  • What can I do with it?

  • Where can I exercise control?

  • What does it consist of?

  • Real-world ABB application: Ocean View, DE Police Department

  • Advantages of the ABB model

  • Limitations of Staffing Through the ABB model

  • In-class practical exercise using your own agency data


Workshop Details

What: A full-day interactive workshop using your own agency data to develop a patrol

workload model that is linked to costs. If you cannot bring your own data, then the model will be prepopulated with simulated data to use during the course.


When: July 9, 2024, 9 am to 3 pm.


Where: Sharonville Fire Station 86, 11637 Chester Road, Cincinnati, OH.


Cost: $898.00. Registration includes 35% off the complete unrestricted ABB model, course instruction, and refreshments. Fee is nonrefundable since the registrant will take possession of the software, notwithstanding not attending the workshop.


Materials: Please bring: Laptop computer with MS Excel installed. One year of workload data from your CAD or hard -copy printout that shows: 1) calls for service by category (e.g., assault, burglar alarm, domestic violence, etc.); 2) average amount of time for each call for service by category; 3) number of calls for service for each category; 4) average number of officers required to handle each type of call for service. A copy of the labor agreement or other agency record that shows: 1) the scheduled hours of work per year for each position; 2) how much time off each member of the agency receives for each category, preferably expressed in hours, not days (e.g., 25 8-hour vacation days = 200 hours of vacation time off per officer); 3) a copy of your agency’s adopted annual budget that shows: a) salaries for each position; b) fringe benefits, expressed as a percentage of salary costs; c) cost of materials/consumable supplies; d) list of equipment, including the unit cost, and useful life. Dr. Shane’s workload model will be provided.


Facilitator: Direct questions to Sergeant Ryan Hermes, Sharonville Police Department,, 513-563-1147.


Audience: Police chief, sheriff, command staff members, business administrator, finance/budget director, city manager, mayor, city council members, data analysts responsible for workload and deployment strategies.

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